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Scion Personal Training In Person

Scion Personal Training In Person

Regular price £800.00 GBP
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Embark on an Exclusive Journey to Elevate Your Fitness!

A premium face-to-face personal training program that will redefine your approach to fitness and revolutionise your well-being.

Month 1: Commence Your Fitness Odyssey

Embark with a comprehensive 60-minute in-person consultation to map out your aspirations and preferences. As well as gaining a deep understanding of your needs from this conversation, your trainer will offer you a set of body measurements and expertly taken photographs so that you can track your progress from the start. 

Your bespoke training programme will then be meticulously curated to align with the goal that you agree at your initial consultation. You will receive advice on how to navigate the 166 hours spent outside of your sessions, including how to manage the pressures of work, eat optimally at restaurants and sleeping well.

Your personal trainer will train you in person twice a week, tailoring their coaching style to your needs. Each time you meet, your trainer will ask you questions and listen carefully to what you say about your experience. They will observe and coach you closely through each rep, providing cues and assists to achieve the maximum value from every workout that you attend. Your trainer will ensure your sessions are carefully recorded and finely tuned as you progress, maintaining your trajectory toward success.

Month 2 and Beyond: Mastery of Personal Training

Prepare for 2 60 minute personal training sessions a week and monthly measurements and photos (approx 15 minutes inside one of your sessions). Guided by our seasoned Level 3 Personal Trainer, you will immerse yourself in the world of top-tier personal training, grasping advanced form and conducting exercises selected just for you. Your training program will be continually recorded and refined to cater to your evolving requirements.

Beyond the Sessions: Excelling in Everyday Hours

Your support extends beyond face-to-face sessions. Your trainer is here to guide you through the other 166 hours of your week with comprehensive strategies and tactics to ensure your success outside of training sessions.

Behind the Scenes: Trainer vs. Gym Bro

Curious about personal trainers? A personal trainer worth your money will make your programme all about you. They will create achievable and challenging short, medium and long-term goals in consultation with you. They will make you accountable for your actions and coach you so that you can get where you want to be.

Meet Your Transformation Mentor

Guiding you through this transformative experience is a Level 3 Personal Trainer with a decade of experience. Having collaborated with clients globally, they have empowered countless individuals to reshape their bodies and minds in terms of posture, fat-loss, muscle-gain and outlook using personalised training and fitness strategies.

Commence Your Journey Today!

Prepare to acquire knowledge, enact positive changes, and experience heightened well-being. Seize command of your fitness and join us on an expedition into the realm of online personal training. You'll gain invaluable insights and practical techniques to enhance both your physical and mental wellness.

Enroll now to commence your thrilling voyage into the realm of online personal training!

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